I am a writer, contemporary composer, filmmaker and visual artist.
I am the last living daughter of poet and filmmaker Antonio Reis, and adoptive daughter to Dr. Jorge Lima Barreto.

I am a survivor of 45 years of extreme narcissistic abuse via maternal parent and her sister.
I am a truth teller and whistleblower, been target of countless attacks from the above due to revealing
my Father's REAL cause of death, whistleblowing that he was also victim of their abuse.
And in the end, coming out myself, as survivor of the same atrocious abuse.

I'm reconstructing not just my site, but my life, now.
You can connect via cordea @ startmail.com to showcase, commission, exhibit, publish and acquire artworks
from my 25 years of creative and artistic activity and experience. You invest in my talent, give visibility
to my art, and to me as unsung pioneer who's lived to tell, what impostors muffled for decades.

As every survivor I was left for dead, they also stole me of funds belonging to my Father and me alone.
Your contributions for me to obtain my teeth, Justice and life back are gratefully appreciated.
REVOLUT @anahkte6 / PAYPAL shaymcvara@gmail.com


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